Windows service installation

To install a windows service you just built, here is some extra work you need to do. First have these two classes in your windows service project to configure the installation.

    public class Installer : ServiceInstaller
        public Installer()
            DisplayName = "My Windows Service";
            Description = "Does cool things";
            ServiceName = "MyWindowsService";

    public class ProcessInstaller : ServiceProcessInstaller
        public ProcessInstaller()
            Account = ServiceAccount.LocalService;

Next part is easy… Start the Visual Studio Commmand Prompt and go to the folder where this service is built. Run this to install the service:

installutil MyWindowsService.exe

Then go to Services in your in Computer Management to start the service. To uninstall the service; stop the service and then run:

installutil /u MyWindowsService.exe

That’s all…